Group Discussion :: Child labour

Child labour is the employment of children as wage earners. It started in 1700 in England. It spread in other countries as they became industrialized. Children below the age of 10 were employed in mine and factories. They were forced to work long hours. Their wages were small. The working conditions were unhealthy. Social reformers, like Elizabeth Barret Browning, condemned child labour practice. The most effective attack on child labour was made by Charles Dickens. His novel "Oliver Twist" described the plight of child labourers. Many children became permanently disabled. They had to work in foul atmospheres. Their lungs were affected by poisonous gases or dust. Many children fell asleep over their work. They were either injured or killed in the machinery. Employed children never had a chance to attend school. In many developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, millions of boys and girls still hold job illegally. Children under fifteen form a large part of the work force. Some children work with their parents. Orphaned children work for their survival. In India, the Factory Act of 1948 prohibited employment of children in factories. This law regulates working conditions. Later child labour Act prohibited the employment of children under 14 in dangerous occupations.

Child labour is a social evil. Laws alone cannot remove it. A change of heart could make it possible. Carpet manufacturing industry in Varanasi employs large number of children. Fireworks factories in Sivakasi employ many children. Bangle factories in Hyderabad employ children. Tanneries in Arcot also involve children. Besides, thousands of children are rag – pickers. They work in hotels, workshops and farms. As poor people have more number of children. Children have to work hard. Adult-hood is forced upon their tender shoulders. Each child is a gift of god. It is the duty of every adult to make children enjoy their childhood. The Government must give compulsory education to all the children. They can better their lives only with education.

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