Making Calculutor using assembly program

 Write a program to generate calculutor in assembly program.

 Generate calculutor using assembly programming.

 Write a assembly program to calculutor.



;calculutor program

print macro msg

push ax

push dx

                mov ah,09h

                mov dx,offset msg

                int 21h

pop dx

pop ax



data segment

                first db 13,10,"Enter the 1st number: $"

        second db 13,10,"Enter the 2nd number: $"

        result db 13,10,"Result : $"

                quo db 13,10,"Quotient : $"

        rem db 13,10,"Remainder : $"

                cmsg db 13,10,"Enter your choice : $"

                mmsg db 13,10,"*******MENU********$"

                msg1 db 13,10,"1- To add two numbers$"

        msg2 db 13,10,"2- To subtract two numbers$"

        msg3 db 13,10,"3- To multiply two numbers$"

        msg4 db 13,10,"4- To divide two numbers$"


                msg5 db 13,10,"5- Exit$"




                wcmsg db 13,10,"Illegal choice... Choose from the menu!$"

                dname db 20 dup(0)

        nname db 20 dup(0)

data ends


code segment

                assume cs:code, ds:data


readnum proc

           push ax

                   push bx

           push cx


           mov cx,0

           mov bx,10

           mov dx,0



           mov ah,01h

           int 21h

           cmp al,13

           je e1

           sub al,48

           mov cl,al

           mov ax,dx

           mul bx

           add ax,cx

           mov dx,ax

           jmp r1




            pop cx

            pop bx

            pop ax



readnum endp


printnum proc

           push ax

           push bx

           push cx

           push dx


           mov cx,0

           mov bx,10



           mov dx,0

           div bx

           add dx,48

           push dx

           add cx,1

           cmp ax,10

           jge r2

           add ax,48

           push ax

           inc cx


           mov ah,02h


           pop dx

           int 21h

           loop pnum



          pop dx

          pop cx

          pop bx

          pop ax              


printnum endp


addition proc

           push ax

           push bx

           push cx

           push dx


           print first

           call readnum

           mov ax,dx

           print second

           call readnum

           mov bx,dx

           add ax,bx

           print result

           call printnum


           pop dx

           pop cx

           pop bx

           pop ax


addition endp


subtraction proc

           push ax

           push bx

           push cx

           push dx


           print first

           call readnum

           mov ax,dx

           print second

           call readnum

           mov bx,dx

           sub ax,bx

           print result

           call printnum


           pop dx

           pop cx

           pop bx

           pop ax


subtraction endp


multiply proc

           push ax

           push bx

           push cx

           push dx


           print first

           call readnum

           mov ax,dx

           print second

           call readnum

           mov bx,dx

           mul bx

           print result

           call printnum


           pop dx

           pop cx

           pop bx

           pop ax


multiply endp


divison proc

           push ax

           push bx

           push cx

           push dx


           print first

           call readnum

           mov ax,dx

           print second

           call readnum

           mov bx,dx

           mov dx,0


           div bx


           print quo

           call printnum


           mov ax,dx

           print rem

            call printnum


           pop dx

           pop cx

           pop bx

           pop ax


divison endp



          mov ax,data

                  mov ds,ax


         print mmsg

                 print msg1

                 print msg2

         print msg3

                 print msg4

         print msg5

         print cmsg


         mov ah,01h

                 int 21h

                  cmp al,'1'

                 je add1

                 cmp al,'2'

                 je sub1

         cmp al,'3'

         je mul1

                 cmp al,'4'

                 je div1

         cmp al,'5'

         je exit

                 print wcmsg

                 jmp menu



  call addition

  jmp menu



   call subtraction

   jmp menu



   call multiply

   jmp menu



   call divison

   jmp menu




mov ah,4ch

int 21h

code ends

end start


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