Copy data form one file to another file using java

Write a program to copy data from one file to another file.

Write java code to copy data from one file to another file.

Write a program to coping data in file using java.


public class copydatafromeonefiletoanotherfile {

public static void main(String args[]){


            BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

           //view older file

            FileInputStream f=new FileInputStream("rajendrafile.txt");

            //create file

            FileOutputStream f1=new FileOutputStream("rajendralamrorfile.txt");

          //enter the data in the created file

            System.out.println("Copy file");

           int c;

           //read data from one file and write data in the another file

            while(( != -1)

            { f1.write(c);}


            f.close(); //close the file(rajendrafiel.txt)

            f1.close();//new created file close(rajendralamror.txt)

            System.out.println("File is created and data is copied");

        }catch(IOException e){ }



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